Take home a little slice of Sea Cliff

When you visit the museum, don’t forget to stop by the gift shop to grab your own little piece of Sea Cliff. The shop offers everything from books, postcards, and posters featuring imagery from our past, to toys and coloring books for our littlest visitors. Plus, we’re always adding things, so you never know what delightful oddity you might find!

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Limited Edition Commemorative T-Shirts at The Sea Cliff Museum!


Joe “the barber” Mazzeo of Sea Cliff has generously donated his collection of T-shirts celebrating 80 years of Bart’s Barber Shop on Sea Cliff Avenue. A framed copy of the original New York State license dated 1934 along with a photo of Joe's father Bartholomew Mazzeo when he first opened his shop is on the front of these very colorful t-shirts. The back of the shirt has portraits of father and son, Joe Mazzeo is 19 in this photo when he first joined his father in the shop.

These collector shirts for men and women are a limited edition and are on sale only at the Sea Cliff Museum gift shop. They are a must have for Sea Cliff history buffs and especially anyone who has had their hair cut by Bart or Joe.

Unique gifts await at the Sea Cliff Museum gift shop.